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About Us
"Our model of legal support makes us stand out from the rest - we care about our clients’ situations and will help them as much as we can, through our free or affordable services."
Our Services
"One of the greatest challenges to accessing specialist legal advice is that people don’t always recognise that their problem has a legal resolution. Providing people with specialist legal advice quickly so that we can support them to resolve their problem remains a priority for us."

Improving Outcomes Through Legal Support

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Our Improving Outcomes Through Legal Support project is managed and funded by the Access to Justice Foundation.

Improving Outcomes Through Legal Support

The Improving Outcomes Through Legal Support project strives to:

  • sustain and improve access to early social welfare and family legal support and advice, to enable users to resolve these problems as early as possible and avoid the need for court or tribunal proceedings where possible.
  • provide support needed to help Litigants in Person* navigate court and tribunal proceedings where they are necessary. This includes support to prepare for court.
  • deliver services based on user needs, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of digital and remote delivery, and safeguarding in person services for those that need them 
  • develop and sustain collaborative partnerships across the justice and advice sector to improve the quality and breadth of advice provided
  • build an evidence base of what works and what doesn't by evaluating the effectiveness of the support delivered and the benefits to the justice system, including value for money.

Who is the Improving Outcomes Through Legal Support Project designed to reach?

The service is for a litigant in person with either a Employment, Family, and Welfare Benefits issue. 

Litigants in person are people who:

  • are already engaged in a hearing, or legal proceedings
  • are potential or actual defendants in legal proceedings
  • have a legal issue, and approach us about a potential action
  • may have a legal remedy but are unaware of that option

What support is offered by the Improving Outcomes Through Legal Support Project?

The project will give clients access to specialist staff and resources that will enable them to:

  • progress their case themselves
  • represent themselves in court/tribunal
  • solve their problems pre court/tribunal
  • where necessary, access representation in court/tribunal (limited resource)

*A litigant in person is an individual who has to go to court without legal representation from a solicitor or barrister.

Useful Links

Improving Outcomes Through Legal Support (IOTLS) - The Access To Justice Foundation (

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