Complaints Procedure
We strive to provide our services in a manner that is acceptable to everyone. Occasionally things go wrong. If they do we want to know about it so we can deal with the issue, learn from it and avoid it happening in future.We aim to deal with any complaints promptly, fairly, openly and effectively. The information below informs you on how you can make a complaint to us.
Definition of a complaint
We define a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction to any person in our organisation. A complaint may be identified in a letter, telephone call, e-mail, fax or in the course of a face to face conversation.
A complaint may involve:
- Dissatisfaction with the handling of a case
- Disappointment with an alleged lack of communication
- Frustration with an alleged lack of case progress
- An allegation of discrimination
- Dissatisfaction with the outcome of the case
However, issues of a very minor nature, for example, not returning a non-urgent telephone call until the following day are not recorded formally as a complaint.
Complaints Procedure:
When a complaint is made, we set out the Law Centre’s complaints handling procedure, outlining the relevant stages and timescales.
Complaints are referred to Chris Boyle, the Complaints Officer in the first instance, who:
- Reviews the matter with any staff involved
- Identifies the cause of any problems of which the client, approved supplier or third party has complained
- Determines what degree of validity the complaint has
- Decides how the complaint should be resolved
We inform clients if we discover any act or omission which could give rise to a claim by them against us.
The Complaints Officer will offer appropriate redress and recommend amendments to unsatisfactory procedures to the Centre Director where appropriate. The Centre Director will ensure that any unsatisfactory procedures are corrected.
Any complaints made where the Complaints Officer had conduct of the matter are referred to the Centre Director
We also inform clients in writing at the outset of their matter of their right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman, and the need to refer to the Legal Ombudsman within one year of the problem being complained about. The Legal Ombudsman can be contacted by:
- Phone: 0300 555 0333
- Post: Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH
- Website: https://www.legalombudsman.org.uk/
- Email: enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk